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Io Sono Il Nordest
Author: Michaela K. Bellisario and others
Publisher: APOGEO
Year of publication: 2016
About the Book
Love, violence, work, family, relationships, power. In the background the Northeast, a territory poised between crisis and rebirth.
The anthology of Apogeo Editore
Tales of Antonia Arslan, Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti, Irene Cao, Mary B. Tolusso, Gabriella Imperatori, Barbara Codogno, Federica Sgaggio, Michaela K.Bellisario, Francesca Diano, Elena Girardin, Anna Laura Folena, Annalisa Bruni, Antonella Sbuelz, Micaela Scapin, Maria Pia Morelli, Serenella Antoniazzi, Irene Vella, Francesca Visentin
The most representative voices of the writers of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino, tell 18 unforgettable stories. The title “I am the Northeast” wants to make each of the authors protagonist, but also all the women of the Northeast, their strength and that special look they have on life.
Each story is a photograph of a reality, often brutal or difficult. “The stories are linked by a coherent path, even if expressions of different writers and are full of hope, although they testify stories of crisis, of selfish and instrumental relationships between men and women, in which women are denied the possibility of being people – writes Marina Salamon in the preface of the book -. We can choose every day to grow, learn, evolve our history through the testimonies of other lives “.
The book, edited by the journalist Francesca Visentin, is the brainchild of an editor Paolo Spinello from Adria, who created it with her publishing house Apogeo. The cover image is by the art director Giorgio Maggiolo and portrays Maria Giulia Zorzato, a 11 year old girl from Padua, a symbol of strength, enthusiasm and confidence in the future.
The sale of the book “Io sono il Nordest” supports the Veneto Centro Progetti Donna and wants to contribute to the financing of escape homes, secret places that save and protect women who are victims of violence.
“The revolutions, the rebirth, can also start from the spark of a simple” no “that triggers the turning point. We must not always die to be listened to “, from the introduction of Francesca Visentin.
Corriere della Sera of 29-12-2015: “Talent, commitment, pain, love, resistance despite prevarication and discrimination. The small and big battles won every day, emerge with strength and intensity in this book through the stories of the writers of the Northeast “
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